Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

Latihan3 Memodifikasi if Case dan Puzzle

Memodifikasi tugas if case yang lalu menjadi
1.Saat form dijalankan , semua isian tidak aktif, tombol isidata dan tutup aktif, tombol clear tidak aktif
2.Saat ditekan tombol isi data : kodebarang, jumlahbarang, cara beli, tombol clear aktif, tombol isi data      tidak aktif
3.Saat ditekan tombol clear sama dengan saat form dijalankan

Private Sub Kontrol()

Dim control As Windows. Forms.Control
For Each control In Me. Controls
Control. Enabled = False
Btisidata. Enabled = True
Bt.tutup. Enabled = True

End Sub

Untuk mengerjakan soal no 1 dibutuhkan kode tambahan yaitu Private Sub Kontrol() yang berisi:
Pada Btisidata ditambahkan penginisialisasian seperti dibawah ini :
Selain itu pada Btclear di tambahkan juga kode Kontrol () untuk memanggil Private Sub Kontrol () agar saat tombol Clear ditekan tampilan form seperti tampilan pertama .
Saat program pertama kali dijalankan, hanya tombol Isi Data dan Tutup  yang aktif, yang lainnya dalam kondisi tidak aktif.
Saat tombol isi data di Klik semuanya aktif dan tombol isi data tidak aktif.
Dan apabila tombol Clear ditekan maka tampilan akan kembali seperti tampilan awal.
Latihan 3 

Membuat Puzzle
Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    End Sub
    Private Sub Kode_randomisasi()
        Dim control As Windows.Forms.Control
        For Each control In Me.Controls
            If control.GetType.Name = "Button" Then
                Dim rndnumber As Random
                rndnumber = New Random
                Dim number As Integer
                control.Text = number

                number = rndnumber.Next(1, 10)
                Bt1.Text = number

                If Bt2.Text = Bt1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 10)
                        Bt2.Text = number
                    Loop Until Bt2.Text <> Bt1.Text
                End If

                If Bt3.Text = Bt2.Text Or Bt3.Text = Bt1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 10)
                        Bt3.Text = number
                    Loop Until Bt3.Text <> Bt2.Text And Bt3.Text <> Bt1.Text
                End If

                If Bt4.Text = Bt3.Text Or Bt4.Text = Bt2.Text Or Bt4.Text = Bt1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 10)
                        Bt4.Text = number
                    Loop Until Bt4.Text <> Bt3.Text And Bt4.Text <> Bt2.Text And Bt4.Text <> Bt1.Text
                End If

                If Bt5.Text = Bt4.Text Or Bt5.Text = Bt3.Text Or Bt5.Text = Bt2.Text Or Bt5.Text = Bt1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 10)
                        Bt5.Text = number
Loop Until Bt5.Text <> Bt4.Text And Bt5.Text <> Bt3.Text And Bt5.Text <> Bt2.Text And   Bt5.Text <> Bt1.Text
                End If

 If Bt6.Text = Bt5.Text Or Bt6.Text = Bt4.Text Or Bt6.Text = Bt3.Text Or Bt6.Text = Bt2.Text Or Bt6.Text = Bt1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 10)
                        Bt6.Text = number
 Loop Until Bt6.Text <> Bt5.Text And Bt6.Text <> Bt4.Text And Bt6.Text <> Bt3.Text And Bt6.Text <> Bt2.Text And Bt6.Text <> Bt1.Text
                End If

If Bt7.Text = Bt6.Text Or Bt7.Text = Bt5.Text Or Bt7.Text = Bt4.Text Or Bt7.Text = Bt3.Text Or Bt7.Text = Bt2.Text Or Bt7.Text = Bt1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 10)
                        Bt7.Text = number
Loop Until Bt7.Text <> Bt6.Text And Bt7.Text <> Bt5.Text And Bt7.Text <> Bt4.Text And  Bt7.Text <> Bt3.Text And Bt7.Text <> Bt2.Text And Bt7.Text <> Bt1.Text
                End If

If Bt8.Text = Bt7.Text Or Bt8.Text = Bt6.Text Or Bt8.Text = Bt5.Text Or Bt8.Text = Bt4.Text Or Bt8.Text = Bt3.Text Or Bt8.Text = Bt2.Text Or Bt8.Text = Bt1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 10)
                        Bt8.Text = number
Loop Until Bt8.Text <> Bt7.Text And Bt8.Text <> Bt6.Text And Bt8.Text <> Bt5.Text And Bt8.Text <> Bt4.Text And Bt8.Text <> Bt3.Text And Bt8.Text <> Bt2.Text And Bt8.Text <> Bt1.Text
                End If

If Bt9.Text = Bt8.Text Or Bt9.Text = Bt7.Text Or Bt9.Text = Bt6.Text Or Bt9.Text = Bt5.Text Or Bt9.Text = Bt4.Text Or Bt9.Text = Bt3.Text Or Bt9.Text = Bt2.Text Or Bt9.Text = Bt1.Text Then
                        number = rndnumber.Next(1, 10)
                        Bt9.Text = number
Loop Until Bt9.Text <> Bt8.Text And Bt9.Text <> Bt7.Text And Bt9.Text <> Bt6.Text And Bt9.Text <> Bt5.Text And Bt9.Text <> Bt4.Text And Bt9.Text <> Bt3.Text And Bt9.Text <> Bt2.Text And Bt9.Text <> Bt1.Text
                End If
            End If

        Btacak.Text = "Acak Angka"

        If Bt1.Text = "9" Then
            Bt1.Text = ""
        End If
        If Bt2.Text = "9" Then
            Bt2.Text = ""
        End If
        If Bt3.Text = "9" Then
            Bt3.Text = ""
        End If
        If Bt4.Text = "9" Then
            Bt4.Text = ""
        End If
        If Bt5.Text = "9" Then
            Bt5.Text = ""
        End If
        If Bt6.Text = "9" Then
            Bt6.Text = ""
        End If
        If Bt7.Text = "9" Then
            Bt7.Text = ""
        End If
        If Bt8.Text = "9" Then
            Bt8.Text = ""
        End If
        If Bt9.Text = "9" Then
            Bt9.Text = ""
        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Bt1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Bt1.Click
        If Bt2.Text = "" Then
            Bt2.Text = Bt1.Text
            Bt1.Text = ""
        ElseIf Bt4.Text = "" Then
            Bt4.Text = Bt1.Text
            Bt1.Text = ""
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Bt2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Bt2.Click
        If Bt1.Text = "" Then
            Bt1.Text = Bt2.Text
            Bt2.Text = ""
        ElseIf Bt3.Text = "" Then
            Bt3.Text = Bt2.Text
            Bt2.Text = ""
        ElseIf Bt5.Text = "" Then
            Bt5.Text = Bt2.Text
            Bt2.Text = ""
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Bt3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Bt3.Click
        If Bt2.Text = "" Then
            Bt2.Text = Bt3.Text
            Bt3.Text = ""
        ElseIf Bt6.Text = "" Then
            Bt6.Text = Bt3.Text
            Bt3.Text = ""
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Bt4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Bt4.Click
        If Bt1.Text = "" Then
            Bt1.Text = Bt4.Text
            Bt4.Text = ""
        ElseIf Bt5.Text = "" Then
            Bt5.Text = Bt4.Text
            Bt4.Text = ""
        ElseIf Bt7.Text = "" Then
            Bt7.Text = Bt4.Text
            Bt4.Text = ""
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Bt5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Bt5.Click
        If Bt2.Text = "" Then
            Bt2.Text = Bt5.Text
            Bt5.Text = ""
        ElseIf Bt4.Text = "" Then
            Bt4.Text = Bt5.Text
            Bt5.Text = ""
        ElseIf Bt6.Text = "" Then
            Bt6.Text = Bt5.Text
            Bt5.Text = ""
        ElseIf Bt8.Text = "" Then
            Bt8.Text = Bt5.Text
            Bt5.Text = ""
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Bt6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Bt6.Click
        If Bt3.Text = "" Then
            Bt3.Text = Bt6.Text
            Bt6.Text = ""
        ElseIf Bt5.Text = "" Then
            Bt5.Text = Bt6.Text
            Bt6.Text = ""
        ElseIf Bt9.Text = "" Then
            Bt9.Text = Bt6.Text
            Bt6.Text = ""
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Bt7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Bt7.Click
        If Bt4.Text = "" Then
            Bt4.Text = Bt7.Text
            Bt7.Text = ""
        ElseIf Bt8.Text = "" Then
            Bt8.Text = Bt7.Text
            Bt7.Text = ""
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Bt8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Bt8.Click
        If Bt5.Text = "" Then
            Bt5.Text = Bt8.Text
            Bt8.Text = ""
        ElseIf Bt7.Text = "" Then
            Bt7.Text = Bt8.Text
            Bt8.Text = ""
        ElseIf Bt9.Text = "" Then
            Bt9.Text = Bt8.Text
            Bt8.Text = ""
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Bt9_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Bt9.Click
        If Bt6.Text = "" Then
            Bt6.Text = Bt9.Text
            Bt9.Text = ""
        ElseIf Bt8.Text = "" Then
            Bt8.Text = Bt9.Text
            Bt9.Text = ""
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub Berhasil()
If Bt1.Text = "1" And Bt2.Text = "2" And Bt3.Text = "3" And Bt4.Text = "4" And Bt5.Text = "5" And Bt6.Text = "6" And Bt7.Text = "7" And Bt8.Text = "8" And Bt9.Text = "" Then
        End If
    End Sub

Private Sub Btacak_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btacak.Click
    End Sub

End Class
Berikut hasilnya:

Saat program dijalankan angka teracak secara otomatis, saat ditekan tombol Acak Angka maka posisi angka akan teracak kembali. Setelah menyelesaikan permainan jika ingin mengulangi permainan dapat dilakukan dengan cara menekan tombol Acak Angka.

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